Majestic View Farm
Majestic View Farm is a 2-acre plot adjacent to the Majestic View Nature Center in Arvada, Colorado. In January of 2019 the FrontLine Farming team was awarded the land in an agreement with Majestic View Nature Center and the City of Arvada. It was previously farmed by Pioneer Homesteaders who were certified organic farmers, utilized draft horses and modeled true land stewardship. When FrontLine took on stewardship only a half acre of the land was in production. FrontLine Farming recognized the tremendous potential with its rich soil, exceptional sun exposure and sheer expanse of flat land. Over the course of 2019 and 2020, we cultivated the soil by hand and now have over 1 acre in production as well as another acre that is home to chickens, bees, and our compost production. The farm is designed with 65 beds each about 4 feet wide and 100 feet long.

The award of this land recognized FrontLine Farming as an organization suited to meet the needs of the Arvada Community through our food production zones that are meticulously managed with education, food justice and as effective land stewards and caretakers of our environment.
In 2022, we continued to live up to our community recognition with the addition of a solar-powered cold storage unit design by Radiant Innovation, a Colorado-based company that designs, manufactures and sells solar-powered refrigerated containers for cold storage of perishable goods. This cooler has a shared ownership between FrontLine Farming, Kaizen Food Share, and East Denver Food Hub.

Upcoming Events at Majestic View Farm