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(Community Supported Agriculture)

We are honored to provide fresh, local produce every year directly to neighbors and community.

2025 Pricing List

Single Share for Small Families 16weeks of food $480

Double Share for Larger Families 16weeks of food $960

Flower Share 16weeks of bouquets $352 

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16 Weeks of Food

16 Weeks of Produce from June 30th ending October 18, 2025

On-Farm Pick Up

We have multiple pickup options throughout the week, spread across Denver. These options are shown in the market when you purchase your CSA.


Customers paying with SNAP receive a 50% discount through the Double Up Food Bucks program.


Vegetable CSA
Single Share
Vegetable CSA
Double Share
Flower CSA
Mushroom: Lion's Mane
4 oz
Mushroom: Lion's Mane
8 oz
Mushroom: Gourmet Mix
4 oz
Mushroom: Gourmet Mix
8 oz

What is a CSA??

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is when a community of individuals pledge to support a farm operation by paying up front for the vegetables that will be harvested throughout the season. Our CSA is a 16-week season from July to October and members have the option of purchasing one share (enough food for 1-2 people) or two shares (enough food for 3-5 people). By choosing this type of support you ensure farmers have enough funds to cover seeds, supplies, and labor for the season to come. By paying full price for your CSA you ensure that we can serve our community members who need assistance accessing this same food.

I do not have SNAP, but need assistance with paying for a CSA, do you offer free CSAs for community members?

We currently only accept SNAP benefits, but we are able to offer a small number of FrontLine-Sponsored CSA boxes for community members who qualify for additional support. This year we are able to assist 25 families in Denver who have kids living in the home. To apply for a FrontLine-Sponsored CSA box, click “Get My CSA”, sign-in with your email, and on your form, select: “I am requesting a FrontLine-sponsored CSA (no cost).”

Will I know what I get in my CSA ahead of time?

Part of the fun of a CSA is the surprise! We do send weekly emails with information about specific vegetables you will get in your share, and recipes for inspiration, but we do not provide a full list every week as it is highly dependent on what is ripe for harvest. Generally you can expect many of these following items by month: July: Kale, chard, collard greens, summer squash, onions, peas, lettuce, carrots, beets, garlic, herbs and more. August: Cucumbers, eggplants, melons, summer squash, peppers, kale, chard, collard greens, garlic, herbs and more. September: Tomatoes & tomatillos, cucumbers, summer squash, eggplants, hot and sweet peppers, melons, okra, potatoes and sweet potatoes, onion, beans, and more. October: Tomatoes, winter squash and pumpkins, hot and sweet peppers, leeks, potatoes and sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, beans, canned goods, and more.

Are there add-on items I can purchase?

Our partnership with East Denver Food Hub is still going to provide add-on items to your weekly CSA.

Can I have my CSA delivered?

We currently changing delivery parnters and will have information soon!

Can I change my pick up day?

We understand that unforeseen circumstances come up throughout the season. If you find that you need to change your pick up day or site, we ask that you keep your new chosen day for the rest of the season. As we are managing over 170 shares we need to streamline logistics. Regularly shifting your pick up days or temporarily changing your pick up day make us more prone to mistakes.

How does climate or weather affect my CSA?

Based upon the season and contingencies of farming (e.g. extreme temperatures, hail, wildlife damage, pests, drought, etc.) it is possible that the number of harvests and/or the produce share sizes may not meet the anticipated harvest goals of the managers of the farm. As a customer and CSA member, you are agreeing to share the risk of variable harvest or crop failures due to unfavorable conditions that are beyond the control of the managers of the farm.

Can I use my SNAP benefits to pay for my CSA?

Yes! We accept SNAP benefits as payment for both our vegetables and for our plant sale. We will process payment on your EBT card once a week for the 16 weeks of the season. We also accept Double Up Food Bucks which allows us to give a 50% discount to SNAP customers and we receive the other 50% from the state program. This way we are paid full price for veggies, but you can make your SNAP benefits stretch further. Importantly, we cannot take payments via EBT online so these payments will be made in person during the season. Currently, we are not approved to accept WIC EBT.

Do you offer work-trade options for CSAs??

Work-trade options for our CSAs are available each year, on a limited trial basis. If you are interested in this option, please contact You can also check our Volunteer page ( and our Job Board ( for other opportunities to work on our farms.

Are your vegetables organic?

Good question! We are not certified organic because, for many farmers, especially small farms, the cost is prohibitive. We are however very much beyond an organic farm. Whenever available, we choose organic and open-pollinated seed varieties. From the time plants go in the ground or seedlings sprout they are carefully monitored for disease and pests. We use various farm-made pepper recipes for pests consisting of cayenne pepper, castile soap like Dr. Bronners, and garlic. Additionally, we practice companion planting which both promotes plant health and deters unwanted bugs. We also use an organic food-grade product called diatomaceous earth as a pest and disease deterrent for certain high-value crops. In addition, we use organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion, as well as compost produced on-site, to help plant growth. Weeds are deterred using mulch and all weeding is done by hand so we don't use herbicides. However, it is important that our customers understand that the content of the CSA is unprocessed and unwashed and that you are responsible for adequate cleaning and preparation in order to render it fit for human consumption. In purchasing a CSA, you agree to bear all risk of any illness acquired that results from consumption of any portion of produce share content.

When I pick up my CSA, do I need to bring anything with me?

We are dedicated to our planet’s health and recognize the damage of single-use and disposable packaging. We have shifted our practices to reduce the amount of packaging of your CSA. This means you will be asked to bring your own reusable grocery bags with you to the pick-up.

If I miss my pick up, what are my options?

It is always best if you can let us know ahead of time! If you are unable to pick up their share at your normal day/time, there are typically three options: (1) Have a friend/neighbor pick up for you: Your friend would let the farmer on site know they are picking up on your behalf and give your full name at pick-up. (2) Come the next available pick up day and location: We will hold your share until the next subsequent pick up day, contact to plan your rescheduled pick up. (3) Allow us to donate your share: We are connected to food banks and pantries across the Denver metro where we regularly donate. If you have not picked up your share, we will group your veggies with the rest of the week’s donation.

I am moving, can I get a refund for my CSA?

You pay for your CSA upfront because these funds are vital to our farm operations. We use these funds early in the season to pay for what we need to grow goodness on our farm including seeds, fertilizer, irrigation equipment, hand tools, and labor. As such this cash is already in the soil by the time you are picking up your first share and therefore we cannot guarantee refunds after the start of the season. However, communication is key. If you find that you are unable to participate in our CSA after you have paid, you may request a refund by or before the 3rd week of the CSA. We do not offer full refunds, and can only offer up to a 50% refund at maximum. Importantly, FrontLine Farming has a clear set of values outlined in our mission statement in community agreements. We do reserve the right to deny service or cancel CSAs for individuals who breach our agreement, with or without refund.

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FrontLine Farming a food and farmers advocacy group focusing on food growing, education, sovereignty and justice.

FrontLine Farming is a 501(c)(3) organization. (EIN: 83-3496361)

Our farming sites:

• Majestic View Farm 7000 Garrison St., Arvada, CO 80004

Celebration Garden 1650 South Birch St., Denver, CO 80222

• Sisters Gardens 2861 52nd Ave., Denver, CO 80221

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